Entrepreneur Solutions Digital Loyalty Program, provided Cuppa Sunshine with a fast and simple loyalty platform. It makes sign-up very quick and easy for the customer, (under 20 seconds). A loyalty offer of a FREE COFFEE is earned every 9 check-ins. Cuppa Sunshine currently has a sign-up offer, that is a free punch upon download of the app – which is an option for any partner.
To engage the customers who have not returned within 30 days, the autopilot program automatically sends a text message to subscribers with an offer of a FREE Hot or Iced Coffee with Purchase if they return to the store within 7 days of getting the text.

Cuppa Sunshine Alert: FREE Hot or Iced Coffee
Push Notification offers are used to promote specific events, products, new menu items or even drive more business for a rainy day. In this case, Cuppa Sunshine sent an alert to 1,556 subscribers to generate additional traffic in a traditionally slower period. They offered a FREE Hot or Iced Coffee with a purchase of Crepe or Panini to all who redeem the offer. They successfully had 82 people to redeem the offer for a redemption rate of 5.27%. Also, with such a high open rate that text messages have, (96%), 1,495 people at least read the message, furthering their brand awareness in the community and keeping their customers engaged.

Entrepreneur Solutions Retention program is an automated program designed to communicate with subscribers that have not checked in lately. The amount of time is customizable for any merchant.
In this case, Cuppa Sunshine set the program to automatically send a text message to subscribers that had not checked-in for 15 days. Their offer of FREE Muffin with Purchase is redeemable on the customer’s next Purchase. To provide a sense of urgency, it expires within 7 days of getting the message.
In their very first Auto Pilot Campaign, Cuppa Sunshine had an 8.63% redemption rate on 5,653 messages sent. Their 488 redemptions have resulted in generating a $2440 in revenue, less the cost of the muffins of $53.68 thus generating a profit of $2,386.32 in just this promotion.